Tuesday, January 17, 2012

PlAcE SuRvEy 4 nURsINg DaYz N nuRSinG NiGHt...P

salam semua.....
17/1/2012 @2.30p.m.......outing for survey tempt nursing day....mula2 ingtkan tempt 2 biase jer coz name xfamous..kih2.....tp bila sapa sane, rs cm dh xnk blik laa..kalu blh nk mandi pantai n tdo kt sana....ak ny dah la xleh pisah ngn pantai..biase la abah ak duk kt area pantai....tp pantai melawi....huhu...tempt utk nursing day 2 kat Pantai Sri Nipah....n the name of resort-->Resort Sri Nipah....tgk kt luar cm biase jer tp bila dh mask dalam...fuyooo...i'm really2 like this plaze...nice...beautiful....
then, g jupo ngn pengurus sal budget utk sewa resort 2...not bad...price is not to expensive.....hehhe..

so, kitore pom decide nk sewa padng B, Dorm 4(1unit-->utk gurlz) and then 3 blik ekonomi(utk boyz, hicom n lecture)....puah ati ngn bilik n dorm......cantik n teratur.....meme sesuai ngn harga 2..hehe...but, we all can discount for 10%...thankz kak ct....we really appreciate u..hee..
total budget--> rm 1000 lbh tp lps discount dpt rm 900 somtething......wink2....

padang B...

ny pantai...bersih la gak..hehe

ny blik ekonomi...der 3 katil....luas gak..
der bilik air terus..

17/1/2012@4.00p.m.....bergerak kt tok bali....kitore sbnrnyer nk g Taman Rela kt area Tok Bali....tp napok kt luar pom kami rase xbest laa..huhu....2 utk nursing day gak tp rs better kt Pantai Sri Nipah td..huhu....
then, der st tempt 2 kt luar napok cntik....dr jale utm dh napok tempt 2 tp kami xtau sgt...yg tau 2 resort baru.......fuuulaaamaakkk...cntik sgt2...cm Bali jer napok.huhuh..
mula2 tu takot nk msk...ye laa napok cm tmpt mahal..kami mane la mampu nk sewa...huhu
tp kami rs bek g dr tgk dr luar jer.....hehe...
sapa jer kat resort 2.......wahhhh...cantik giler...huhu....cm Hawai...hehee...saje jer...huhu..
ph2, pokguard pom tny wt pe dtng cni.....kami ckp nk survey tempt utk event.....then, pokguard suh masuk dale n tny kt reception....huhu..
kami pom 2gu skjp...nk jupo ngn pengurus resort...owhh.lupo nk ckp name resort ny...Resort Aman Tok Bali.......for nursing night.....dinner..

mula2 kami nk tempt main hall tp bila tny sewa jer lam rm3000..huhu....meme xdpt laa...tp kalu event lbh 600 ore...kito juz 150 ore jer...
so, dy pom suugest kitore ambik restorant terapung.....bila g tgk....cntik sgt2..hehe.....kalu wt dinner kt c2,meme syok laa..hhee..
tp ak yg gatal nk wt kat pool@kolam......hehe...dy ckp blh jer tp kene tgk keadaan cuaca lak..
kalu cuaca bek jer tyme bulan 5, ok je laa......ehhe
Restorant Terapung 2 juz byr utk makanan jer...tpmt free....juz rm35 per person....huhu...berbaloi kan..meme murah...huhu...

ny area kolam..cantikk...sapa ak teruja...wink3..

otw nk g Restorant Terapung..

ny otw nk mask restorant..

ny ktl dalam restorant....ak sapa tdo..haha..pnt sgt2..

ny lak discuss sal nk wt kt kolam.. muka ak xpuah ati...hahaha.

ny tyme mlm.....main place..

area kolam....shanteqq...

ny lak view dari ats.....nice....

that all...hopefully, the place that we find are suitable for dinner n nursing day..hhuhuhu
3/3/2012-->nursing day at Resort Sri Nipah...15 km from USM....from 7.00a.m to 7.00p.m
11/5/2012--> nursing night at Resort Aman Tok Bali....45km from USM....7.30p.m to 11.30 p.m
hopefully our mission complete n success...

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