Wednesday, February 29, 2012

oLd mEmOrIeS...mAtRiCuLaTiOn.....

salam semua....
tiba2 ak teringt kt geng2 tyme kt matrik....h1p3....
trngt ore pnggl ak BUNGO.....
ny semua gara2 ak wt website sal bungo ros utk sains technology punyer projek....
malu rase bila mask jer kuliah mst der mat tokpek 2 pnggl bungo dtng lambt...
by the way, ak meme ore yg paling lmbt dtng kuliah....coz blok ak duk dkt jer ngn kuliah...lam 5 minit jer ak jale..hehhee.....
rindu kawang2 kt matrik.....bdx2 kuliah 1...hehehe....praktikum 3 paling best from the best..hehee...
kt mtrik byk gak kenangan......
yang xleh lupo dpt chocolate from somebody that he tell me truly.....he liked me....but i juz want to be his friend...not gf......huuh..
lgpom ak mls nk pk sal kapel2.......tyme mtrik ak byk stdy laa..hehee..
tp laki 2 selalu bg coklat atau sweet....ak juz accept n sharing with all my members...
tp ak pernh kne mrh coz bg kt ore len bnd yg dy bg....sapa dy ngjuk..huhuh..
n der sore ag yg ak xleh lupe...yg 2 teruk bdk prktkum len cume st kuliah jer..hehe...
dy lg la....depe ak pom nk col2...mis col laa...bila ak tny dy ckp dy rindu ak..
cm xdop bnd len laa...eeee..ak xske2....
friend is better than bf......

pic tyme bbq.....with teacher.... ny lak tyme dinner....
rindu..... sweet tyme.....

ny pic H1P3....
sweet memories......
rs nk g mtric balik.....
duk mtric xstress cm duk u skrng.....
xwt tutorial pom blh survive ak....
ak jenis pemlas gak..
study last minute...
but my pointer alwayz 3 above....

thatz all for today...
have a nice day....
pass is pass.....
juz nice memories.....

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ak tEriMa nIKaNyA......

salam semua.......senyum sokmo....

ermm....ak terima nikahnya...oppppsss...bkn ak la nikah...ny sal novel yg hot skrng....ak ske novel ny sgt2.......sesuai kt semua ore laa...lbh2 lg yg tgh duk cinta cintok 2.....
byk dugaan n cbrn la dlm novel 2.....

novel ny der 3 novel.....fisrt "ak terima nikahnya".....second "cinta sampai syurga" n last
"murabbi cinta"......

tp der gak yg combine semua terus...


sapa yg blum bc....blh la bli....syok...hhehee...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

PaRt 3....StAgE 2...

salam semua.......
jupo lg ngn bdx2 nursing yg hot2 semo...hehhee........
alhamdullilah dh mask sem 6 dh....yahoooo...
result sem 5 quick ok than others sem before this.........syukrann.......
even, byk dugaan ak tyme ak exam......yahooo.....still smile........

sem 6 strt pada 19/2/2012.......cm2 la kne wt.....jupo PA laa.....ph2 der jer mslh sal subjk stress jer,,,,pdhl sbjuk 2 nk tulum pointer tp "rosak" pointer der laa....huhuh....
last2 ak plih komunikasi n sains forensik....bunyi pom dh sush....huhuhuh.....then, core subjek utk sem ny der 5 tjk pom sush2....

first week....dh kne posting kat A&E deparment dh.....dh la xstdy pom sblum g.....xsal2 kne marah kt RN and lecture....wakkakaa.....
tp der procedure kne wt........mati ak try jer ngn ore skit teruk...tkt sbnrnyr nk wt......huhu...mujur la procedure utk ECG cm jd RN bla doctor suh ambik brng laa..mesin ultrasound laa....jd saksi laa...cm2 laaa......kt deparmnt 2 best gak...blh dpt byk experience...teringin gak keje area 2...haehhee....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

mErDeKa!!!!....SeM 5....yAhOo,,,,...

salam semua........
19/1/2012 @ 11.25p.m@dewan utama....exam tamat!!!!!...yah000......hapy sgt2 ak...hehe...dh la last paper ak kuar awl....spttnyer kul12p.m baru abih...hehhe....ak xtau nk wt kalu esei jer....kalu der true n false 2, ak stay ag kt dewan..huhuhu.......

excited kot nk blik bilik n kemas brng....wink2...byk sgt brng ak tp xtau la nk ltk kt mane coz stor pom dh, ak wt keje ore xtau, buku2 ak ltk lam kotak n then stay jer lam bilik....arp2 selamt....ilmu ak 2...jgn la sape2 buang...plesss mak cik.....jgn ramps......naty ak mst kcw habis2....2 pom coz stor penuh,...kalu x ak sgp punggh....
ore len dh lamo abih, ak bru abh...pdhl strt awl dr ore len....

3 week ak exam cm 1 months...adusss..
ye la paper ak semo 8 paper.....kalu ore tny, dyore terkjut...ak ckp meme tiap2 sem, biase jer bg ak..hehe....first week exam, ak der 3 paper, second week, 3 paper n third week, 2paper jer...hehee.......last week xrushing sgt.....2 ak pom stdy last minute...ph2 ak juz bc last year final exam....mujr la der gak essay yg mask..alhamdullilah..
but, der certain paper ak frustated!!!!!!!....
xpe la, ak dh tawakall dh coz dh berusha, lets pray to GOD for the result....hopefully, i'm got more than 3 poniter.....plesss...hhee..nk stay 3 above....

but, i'm proud with myself coz finished sem 5....der 3 sem ag nk dpt dgree in nursing.........yahhooo..xsbr nk convo plok...hehee..
yg xsbr nk joli gune duit sendri......keje sndri...xnk mitk duit ngn fmly dh..hehee..

erm.....cuti 1 bulan ak nk wt ek...hehehe...
nk relax2 je laa.........prepara utk next sem......kemas2 umh.....msk...ske2...ehhee..
jd suri rumah sepenuh masa utk sebulan......yepiii....

ok...that all for today...
hopefully, i'm can continue my study start on 19 FEBRUARY 2012...for sem 6....
wassalam semua...
wish me luck in study.....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

PlAcE SuRvEy 4 nURsINg DaYz N nuRSinG NiGHt...P

salam semua.....
17/1/2012 @2.30p.m.......outing for survey tempt nursing day....mula2 ingtkan tempt 2 biase jer coz name bila sapa sane, rs cm dh xnk blik laa..kalu blh nk mandi pantai n tdo kt sana....ak ny dah la xleh pisah ngn pantai..biase la abah ak duk kt area pantai melawi....huhu...tempt utk nursing day 2 kat Pantai Sri Nipah....n the name of resort-->Resort Sri Nipah....tgk kt luar cm biase jer tp bila dh mask dalam...fuyooo...i'm really2 like this plaze...nice...beautiful....
then, g jupo ngn pengurus sal budget utk sewa resort 2...not bad...price is not to expensive.....hehhe..

so, kitore pom decide nk sewa padng B, Dorm 4(1unit-->utk gurlz) and then 3 blik ekonomi(utk boyz, hicom n lecture)....puah ati ngn bilik n dorm......cantik n sesuai ngn harga 2..hehe...but, we all can discount for 10%...thankz kak ct....we really appreciate u..hee..
total budget--> rm 1000 lbh tp lps discount dpt rm 900 somtething......wink2....

padang B...

ny pantai...bersih la gak..hehe

ny blik ekonomi...der 3 katil....luas gak..
der bilik air terus..

17/1/2012@4.00p.m.....bergerak kt tok bali....kitore sbnrnyer nk g Taman Rela kt area Tok napok kt luar pom kami rase xbest laa..huhu....2 utk nursing day gak tp rs better kt Pantai Sri Nipah td..huhu....
then, der st tempt 2 kt luar napok cntik....dr jale utm dh napok tempt 2 tp kami xtau sgt...yg tau 2 resort baru.......fuuulaaamaakkk...cntik Bali jer napok.huhuh..
mula2 tu takot nk laa napok cm tmpt mahal..kami mane la mampu nk sewa...huhu
tp kami rs bek g dr tgk dr luar jer.....hehe...
sapa jer kat resort 2.......wahhhh...cantik Hawai...hehee...saje jer...huhu..
ph2, pokguard pom tny wt pe dtng cni.....kami ckp nk survey tempt utk event.....then, pokguard suh masuk dale n tny kt reception....huhu..
kami pom 2gu skjp...nk jupo ngn pengurus resort...owhh.lupo nk ckp name resort ny...Resort Aman Tok Bali.......for nursing night.....dinner..

mula2 kami nk tempt main hall tp bila tny sewa jer lam xdpt kalu event lbh 600 ore...kito juz 150 ore jer...
so, dy pom suugest kitore ambik restorant terapung.....bila g tgk....cntik sgt2..hehe.....kalu wt dinner kt c2,meme syok laa..hhee..
tp ak yg gatal nk wt kat pool@kolam......hehe...dy ckp blh jer tp kene tgk keadaan cuaca lak..
kalu cuaca bek jer tyme bulan 5, ok je laa......ehhe
Restorant Terapung 2 juz byr utk makanan jer...tpmt free....juz rm35 per person....huhu...berbaloi murah...huhu...

ny area kolam..cantikk...sapa ak teruja...wink3..

otw nk g Restorant Terapung..

ny otw nk mask restorant..

ny ktl dalam restorant....ak sapa tdo..haha..pnt sgt2..

ny lak discuss sal nk wt kt kolam.. muka ak xpuah ati...hahaha.

ny tyme mlm.....main place..

area kolam....shanteqq...

ny lak view dari ats.....nice....

that all...hopefully, the place that we find are suitable for dinner n nursing day..hhuhuhu
3/3/2012-->nursing day at Resort Sri Nipah...15 km from USM....from 7.00a.m to 7.00p.m
11/5/2012--> nursing night at Resort Aman Tok Bali....45km from USM....7.30p.m to 11.30 p.m
hopefully our mission complete n success...

For College Women Leaders & Young Professionals

5 Time Management Tips to Calm College Student Stress

Keywords: College Student Stress and Time Management

As your semester kicks into high gear and your schedule fills up, you college students may find your stress levels rising. You're probably counting the days until your next vacation when time is - once again - on your side. But did you ever stop to realize that the old "time is on your side" cliche holds true 24/7, whether you're in college student stress hell or living it up on summer break?

If you want to calm
college student stress, master time management and get out of overwhelm, even when school's in session, keep reading ...

1. Time is your GREATEST asset in life. You get to CHOOSE how you spend it.
I know - it's a hard concept to embrace because that means we all have to stop making excuses for
college student stress. Instead of saying, "I can't exercise because I don't have time," we have to admit, "I choose not to exercise because I'm not prioritizing it into my schedule." We are all personally responsible for our lives and how we spend our time is a direct reflection of how well we embrace time management.

When I experienced
college student stress, I blamed others for my lack of time management. I believed that the only way I could lower my stress levels was if my professors stopped dishing out so much homework. Instead of learning better time management strategies and easing up on my own perfectionism, I made excuses. Every semester, I feel deeper into overwhelm until I let anxiety, depression, insomnia, and chronic college student stress usurp my life. Bottom line: Take control over your time right now and be calmer and happier for the rest of your life. You deserve it!

2. Time management means learning to say N-O.
"You can determine how you use your time or by default, let others plan it for you," says Beverly Coggins, professional organizer and author of the e-book,
Three Steps to Time Management for the College Student.

Coggins believes that in order to calm
college student stress we need to have a grasp on our own passions and priorities so that we're in a stronger position to not be led around by the whims of others. "By determining your own passions and priorities, it gives you confidence to stay focused on where you want to go in life," she adds.Bottom line: College students are supposed to be self-focused! You're not a selfish person if you choose to be empowered by your own goals. Plus, when you take care of yourself first, you'll have more energy to be there for your friends.

3. Skipping class = MORE stress.
Sorry to be the downer but skipping class really does screw with time management. It increases
college student stress in the long run. Think about it: You miss class notes, class discussion, repetition of materials, interacting with your classmates and you're wasting money. If you calculate how much money you're spending per college class and then divide it by how many classes there are in a semester, you may be surprised to realize that you skipped out on a class that could very easily have exceeded one-to-several hundred dollars. Ugh! That's a week's worth of putting up with obnoxious customers at the mall or waiting tables at The Olive Garden.

I've skipped my fair share of classes in high school and college and playing catch up sucks! Be honest: how much time do you spend trying to decipher your friend's shorthand when you borrow her class notes or tracking down your professor during office hours?

Bottom line: Unless it's a true emergency, go to class and hit the snooze button on the weekends.

4. Sleep SAVES time.
According to Coggins, sleep should be the first thing that goes on our master schedules to calm
college student stress. Why? "Sleep deprivation has the same affect on you as alcohol," says Coggins. "Your reaction time is slow, you can't think clearly, you gain weight, and you can get depressed."

Think about how much time we waste napping during the day because we don't sleep enough at night. C' mon, how many of us have fallen asleep when we're sitting quietly ... like in class! Coggins advises that college students figure out ways to reduce interruptions to sleep like investing in earplugs, a fan, a sleeping mask, or a note on your door.
Bottom line: Don't sacrifice sleep because sleep deprivation is the true time waster and it definitely makes us more susceptible to college student stress.

5. Procrastinators CAN master time management.
Nearly two-thirds of students say they've procrastinated so much that it affected their performance on an exam, paper, or course grade, according to a February 2007 College Health Services survey. Coggins suggests that college students take advantage of those first few weeks of the semester when there is little pressure, to keep up with assignments to calm
college student stress.

Use the following tips to escape procrastination mode and lessen
college student stress:

· Break large tasks up into bite-sized pieces and estimate how much time each piece will take. Working backwards from your deadline, schedule in each piece of your task.

· Plan in breaks. Every 45 minutes take a 15-minute break. Do something totally different that relaxes you or invigorates you - take a walk, listen to music, whatever refreshes you and reduces your college student stress.

· Know when your peak energy time is. If you are a morning person, don't attempt overwhelming tasks at night and vice versa.

· Study with a friend. Just make sure you choose friends that won't help you procrastinate!

Bottom line: Stay away from procrastination temptations when you have a deadline looming. Cell phone, PS3, HDTV ... need I say more? ;-)


erm....sape ek kahwin.....this wedding about one of my family memberz.....congrates dear....hopefully u can survive in ur life as "suami mithali" for ur family n wife.....
11/11/ that really2 nice with the number...both of ur become wife n husband...
don't forget to bring out your role as husband n wife...
try to be the best for ur family......
they go to SINGAPORE in this year for honeymoon...really2 interesting....
i'm think i'm also want to follow us....universal studio...nice place for all people...hheehhe.....but i'm want to go with my someone special after we got married....insyaALLAH...amin2.......

21 December at gulrz house' Pengkala chepa...near by airport......
the theme for their wedding---red in color..i'm liked it....hhehe..really2 nice....
but i'm not wearing red "baju kurung"...huhuh....coz i'm don't know the color of the theme...huhu..

22 DeCember at boyz house' bachok...
so many people coming on thiz day..but i'm juz be a photographer....hehe....the picture that i'm had been taken not sharp n clear like the real photographer...huhu...i'm try my best...huhu.....

like hang jebat...huhu

our pinag dibelah duo....

thatz mie.....

my brother, my sis in-law n my mum...

my eldest brother....mum...sister in-law..

hopefully, both of them can be de best partners in their life..
always sharing is caring.....
be faithful..
be nice..
be patient
be romantics
n always pray for blessing from GOD..

Monday, January 16, 2012

BaUCer Rm20O....

salam semua........anda semua dapt x baucer rm2oo...mst dpt
ak yg dapt 2 terus kuar g kb mall n kb.......2 pom coz ak stress xleh jwb exam pg.......opthamology paper......2 unit lak 2.......tension gak laa...walpom der byk der ke kene lukis subdural hematoma...ak pom xbudget masuk lukis2 ny..dh la ak xpro nukis2 bola jer napok...huhu...biar la benda dh lps......last papper khamis ny stress management....nasib bek ambik kos ny, blh la ak kawl stress

then, after get baucer, ak merempit ngn my bbf, mkan prosperity....2 yg ak mengidam tyme exam tp ny bru der peluang.....syoknyer...yummmy......then, g makan kt food court plok...sizzling yee mee...ak meme btl2 frust ngn exam ny..huhu...

then, ak pom g popular n SMO balik...yg paling lawak..blurr xtau nk beli pe ngn baucer 2..hahha..kelakar sunggh.....nk beli buku ilmiah laa.....drug book xde kt c2....frustttt......nk drug bookk.....important for mee....pleesss........but damn....

last2 skali, ak beli barang2 utk sem depan jer......huhu....xbeli pom buku...hahhaa.....paper 4A pom ak beli coz bert...mals nk angkt..beli sem dpn je laa.....kan baucer 2 sampai 31/3/2012....byk ms ag..hehee...

asal rm200...4 dh gune so...huhu..

ny resit Mc Donaldis KB MalL....Properity set...

like this....prosperity...yummmy..

ny barng yg beli gune baucer....yess..

ny color pen...stabilo....20 color..nice...utl wt note....hahhaa..

ny utk tape

ske green apple

blue sky...

then, the total of thing that i'm bought by using baucer = rm47.50....
then, the rm2.50 give to my BBF to get rm50....
nice day for today......nexxt day..when n where?????

Sunday, January 15, 2012

2 YeArZ AgReeMeNT...

ermmmm.....nape 2 taun ek...hehe..
blh ke x ak trm cbrn ny......
tnpa msj, jupe, col, chat n so on.......huhu.....i'm don't think that i'm can do tough for me.....but i'm trying yerk.......hehhe....
ny pom ak yg strt ak rs cm xjd jer.....huhu..xsmpi 10 saat......dy pom col....hahhaa.....
meme xleh laa sign agreement ak cancel awal......huhu...huhu..
kitore sokmo gdh .....2 rs mls cm nk syp jap......tyme2 exam jer der problem....
tension pom der rase.......
but hopefully, our dream become
me, degree in nursing... in mechanical enginering...
nurse VS enginering....wink2....
so many thing same like him..........

same book....hehe....

bantl bsuk....bantl ny der zip utk sambung...hehe...
yg satu ag duk ngn budk bucuk......

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2 paPeR MoRe......chAyoIK DeArZ.....

tut......der 2 paper lg....yeah.....
tggl paper oftamology ngn stress management lagi...ps2 merdeka.....cuti...tdo..mkan....jale2....n so on....hehee..
ske sgt tyme ny der someone kejut pg2 lam kul6....utk review blik before g exam.......n then give me spirit to do the best from de best....n tawakkal....after finished answer it.......amin....alhamdullillah....
ermmm.........sebelum g exam, check brng2 yg perlu bwk.....pen, slip exam, pemadam, kad matrik.. pencil...but the most important thing --> knowledge......bring all n must remember during exam... hehee...
bangun awl2 before subuh.....n do some call back that had already read.......n try 2 understood.....then, review de past year question.....
after that, pray n bath...hehee...
kul 8.30....go to exam hall....n chayoik.....slmt berexam....yeah.....


matric card......alwayz bring....

slip exam.....the total subject i'm taken--> 8....
so many2...hehe....

GuRd luCk ExaM...cHaYoIK....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My dReAm.......mY RiNg.... lak sal ak yg tgh koya ring.......
padahal lambt ag nk dpt....enth sape la nk bg kt ak ring yg cm ak nk 2...hehe..
maybe sister, mother or someone special in my life....insyaALLAH...i'm got it.....
ring ny ak ske la...simple n beauty....
mybe this ring for my engage or wedding.....
2 year later....i'm waiting......yesss...

ini ak snap lam majalah rapi.....

my dream become true or not.....look n see.....:P

SuRuHaJaYa pErKhIdMaTaN aWaN.....DaFtR dH kE BlUm?????????........HaKzzzz...10 January 2012...

jeng2...SPR dtng usm.....mati2 ingt kan dh nk ngundi upernyer utk student dftr SPR......ak per ag, ambik peluang dftr gak laa....umor pom dh ckp dh...ehhe..ini kan tanggungjawab kito semo sbg makhluk MALAYSIA.....kih3....
dh la IC ak bukan men xnapok dh mk ore len dh...xtau la bla nk tukar..wink2...
it's okazz.....2 xpntng sgt..jnji ak blh dftr mengundi dh...ny la first year ak nk ngundi...huh...sebelum tgk jer ore g ngundi...hehee...
xsbr rs nk ngundi....nk rs sndri situation tyme ngundi kt u gak kot....huhu....pe2 pom ak try undi yang terbek....demi negara...wink3.......

look n name....wink2...

ini plok full form yg ak isi......wink3...

ReD Vs GrEeN............YuMMy.....

Red vs green 2 sal apple yg ak yg paling2 ak ske apple ijau....enth la bkpo ak ske sgt2...hehe.....
wlpom epal ijau 2 meroh 2 kekadng xmanis gak....depend kt types of epal laa..hehe...
jenis epal yg ak btl2 syok tyme mkn adalah epal jenis sgt2.......ranggup cm mkn keropk jer....wakakaka.....
kalu nk tau, cube la beli n makn.......mst syok sesgt...epal fuji xmahal pom....lam RM4.99 kalu bli kt MAYDIN MALL....kt area KK....hehe...
apple ijau mkn ngn colek best....colek itu der grm, gula n cuka......try laa.....nikmt gak ore ckp pelik kt ak...huhu

red vs green apple....

red apple.....kurang sdp....

ske apple...